Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bike ride, September 28

Field strewn with glass.

Where's the trail?

Steel carcasses.

Plastic bags brought in by high water.

Detail of trail composition.

I guess I can't get across that way.

Monday, September 22, 2014

OCR issues

Urban social movement dbut str! s . " not merely Occur within urban space
, h .
ut stnve to transform th . '.
'If . 
e SOClOterntonal organization of capitalism
zat' 1 d bi!" "I' hni "suggestIng t at It rorrns rona an rna lzmg me pm,
I ..
itse on multIple ge hi I
, ograp lea scales. The "right to the 
city" , ' , thereby
I' ,di ki d fconnective tissue or gue Ive umbrella for coalition bui! mg, a no, d
I'd truggles mto larger an t at can help to unite diverse and parttcu anze s ,
expands Intoabe d «. hb al oa er fig t to space" both within and beyond the
more powerful movements, The new span , , , "
ial nsciousness and ItSexpres- co "
ur ansc e.Evenasproce fIb ' , n . Sses 0 goal capItalist restructuring radl-
.d ' st such an Integratlve SIonInthesearchforspatIalJustIceprovieJU 'd' ct
ca y reorgamze the Supra b .emb edd ed " . UT an scalar hIerarchies in which cities are
ther the negatIve eue s umbrella, We all experience in one way or ano d h 'ht to
lover space an t e ng
o unjust geographies. This makes strugg es , ' 
f h d 'dentlty determIna on, the city a potentially powerful source s are I T'h' be the
, h Id for the better. ISmay
and effectiveness in changmg t e wor 
f the deve Iopmen t fa spa-
most important political lesson learne rom tial theory of justice,
h" f . .
CItiesremam st t .

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Trip to the museum

A bear, historical photos and maps of the Texas Technological College and environs, an NC Wyeth, and some vampiricide. A successful Saturday!